资本主义加速了社会的色情化进程它将一切事物当作商品展出请所有人观看除了性这些展示毫无用途它将爱情粗鄙化变成色情唯有爱能够将仪式感加诸情欲或性而不是将它进行展示20cm帅哥体育生视频飞机即便在身体赤裸的时刻爱也能保护祂的神秘感 Season 1时代的展示创新、渠道拓展逐渐将这种神秘感转变成了司空见惯的廉价消费品 Season 2将会寡廉鲜耻地起笔从高歌猛进到曲终人散在自恋式的自我满足中轰然倒地、回峰转路
vote it for my favourite film of the year: 1. love the beginning, short and effective 2. the ending is powerful 3. animation is a great way of presenting documentary 4. and i think the lines are actually from the real interview anyway, love it