距离另一个风起云涌的五月还有六年而 Jean Rouch 的夏天才刚刚过去不久看似是历史上承前启后的五月同时又有很多大事小情在发生用 cityscape 的括号括起来因此给了我一种都市风光片的期待无毒电影主要组成部分却是大量采访都市人作为都市最重要的组成跟着不同群体一点点接近左翼运动的暴风眼可又并不急着剪去各种声音的枝丫全片因此呈现出知识分子努力聆听的样子很多俏皮的点睛之笔好像在说这城市万物有灵蜘蛛如不甘于别在领口的话筒自由地牵引观众对讲述者的注意力
so so good, the pace, the script, the handheld method. and most differently from other sport movie, it's about a team. the only one player that stands out did not play that much. all the "sideline stories" bring the whole thing together. win at all cost or lose with class?